Print: in the right hands, in the right place, at the right time. That's effective distribution a critical step in the print supply chain. A customer's bottom line can be radically impacted by distribution decisions. Thus in our industry we cannot risk handling print distribution as an afterthought, but rather treat it as a value-added service. Dr. Cummings' book is the culmination of several years' investigation into print media distribution, drawn from primary research studies, case-studies, and in-depth expert interviews. It is the first publication to comprehensively analyze each player's role in the distribution of printed product, offering workflow solutions that can provide significant advantages to print producers' business models. Distribution is often the single largest cost factor in a printed piece, so understanding this element is as important as understanding labor costs, equipment financing, and information technology. Print Media Distribution is an essential resource for savvy print and transportation service providers, as well as educators who will train the next wave of the workforce in the best practices of print product delivery.