Display table featuring the Rochester History journal and other books from RIT Press.

Rochester History journal relaunched

Rochester History is a scholarly journal that provides informative and entertaining articles about the history and culture of Rochester, Monroe County, and the Genesee Valley. Former City Historian Blake McKelvey published the first quarterly issue in January 1939 with the goal of expanding the knowledge of local history. Today, the journal is published twice a year (spring and fall), featuring deeply researched and engaging articles that explore a wide variety of diverse and inclusive historical topics and perspectives pertaining to Rochester, Monroe County, and Western New York. 

Starting in 2023, RIT Press is partnering with the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County and the RIT History department to publish Rochester History.

The re-launch of the journal was celebrated at a conference on April 21, 2023: Rochester and the Mid-Sized American City in the 21st Century: A Conference and Conversation. The program included several panels, a walking tour, a plenary discussion, and a conversation between the Hon. William A. Johnson Jr., former City of Rochester mayor, and the Hon. Malik Evans, current mayor.

Learn more about the Rochester History journal here.